Click here for more information I bought what was supposed to be an unlocked blackberry storm 2 from Mojos Closet. When the phone arrived and on inspection the phone was not new, it had a verison number and was defective and no manual. I spent over $400 USD and I am without a proper phone. This was my worst experience and I intend to take this matter to Amazon for a resolution. I contacted Mojos Closet all I received was a rude and disrespectful feedback. I will not recommend Mojos Closet ever again if this is the service granted. Blackberry Storm2 9550 Unlocked Phone with Touch Screen, Wi-Fi, 3.2MP Camera and GPS - Unlocked Phone - No Warranty - Black
After experiencing problems with the original Blackberry Storm, Verizon eventually upgraded me to the Storm 2. I have to say that, for the most part, I have been satisfied with this phone. The touchscreen keyboard is only functional for me when it is in the wider landscape mode. When I try to type in the portrait mode, my fingers cannot hit the correct keys simply from the standpoint of spacing. The keys are just too close together. The one issue I experience consistently is when I try to hit the "a" button I instead get a "q" which I do find frustrating. From the standpoint of overall ease of use, this phone is pretty simple to operate. A good number of apps are available including internet based radio from Slacker, Pandora, and i-Heart radio. You can use an aux cable to connect the phone to your car's radio and play these stations through your sound system. The calendar function, contacts, and e-mail all work extremely well on this phone. Occasionally, the phone does freeze which requires a soft reset by removing the battery. For whatever reason, these issues seem to have been minimized over the past six months or so. After a somewhat rough start with the Storm line of phones, I would now have to say that I do enjoy the Storm 2.
First of all, for a long time blackberry user coming from a hardware keyboard to a touch screen, I find it miserable dealing with blackberry storm 2 touch screen keyboard. My confident level of typing correct words is lower than 50%. I own a ipad, tried iphone, no comparison there. RIM, this is something that really needs to be improved on.
Orientation response is also slow, Pinch and swipe are slow too. It makes me feel like I'm using a 386 PC or a 56K dial up if you know what i meant. Picture rendering is also slow.
Overall, a thumb down.
Given the usability and power of the Blackberries I have used so far, I was having high expectations when I bought this Phone. But it lasted only until I got the phone. Setting up the phone was not so straight forward. Not because of the UI or anything, but RIM's much touted implementation of touch screen. While every other touch screen implementation is a "touch screen", RIM's implementation is a combination of touch and click. So if you want to click a button, the touch will select the button and pressing again to click will trigger a real press on the button. While in theory this can save the user from unwanted clicks, the main issue with this is that the click doesn't work really well in every part of the screen. Especially when you have a button on top left corner, clicking that will take all the energy you have. I almost felt like I will break the screen. The clicks on the center of the screen as smooth enough so its not a big deal for most buttons. Except when you use keyboard. I really dont know how a company like RIM is allowing such a product to be released to the market when such a big usability issue exists.
the next big problem with the phone is with the network service. While it supports data via Wifi and 2g/3g networks, I dont see an option to force the phone to use only the Wifi network for data. ( Or at least this is not so intuitive if such an option exist).
Installing and using apps also was not so simple. I downloaded and installed Google Talk, and on trying to login, it keeps giving me a message that The service is not enabled for this phone. I am not sure what this means at all. For comparison, I have done this on an Andriod phone and that was pretty straight forward. No issues at all..
In short, If you are a techie who wants some adventure ( really?? There are so many better ways to get the thrill than setting up and using a phone). Stay away from this.
Or if you need enterprise email etc and have an IT department to help you setup this for you, then you may consider this. Or else never even think of it. Android is way better for the common man.
I've been using an iphone then a Blackberry 8520, so:
-it came with 16GB micro sd card from blue electronics. thats great!
-camera photos and video quality.
-BB software stuffs: messengers, browsers, etc.
-would be hard to write on the touchscreen virtual keyboard if you've ever used a normal qwerty keyboard. In general, iphone touchscreen much better than 9550 touchscreen.
-when you click something you really need to click it pressing down the screen like a button, that's weird. its the first touchscreen that really meant the click action.
-this smartphone has 3G SINGLE BAND 2100.... too bad - Blackberry Storm - Touch Screen Phone - Wireless Accessories - Cell Phone
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