Saturday 24 September 2011

Bose In-ear Headphones - earbuds, headphones

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Out of the box, I was not overly satisfied with the sound quality of these headphones. They had a a bit of a crackle during the highs and I was not very fond of it. I began to research "burning in" headphones and came across and great site that has audio clips of white noise, pink noise, and frequency sweeper. I let it loop through my headphones for approx 6 hours and they sound so much better. I haven't heard a crackle yet. This might be all in my head but they definitely sound a lot better. If you are unsatisfied with the quality at first, try and burn with some different sound clips. I used and they have some audio clips on there. As far as the comfort is concerned, they are very comfortable and I can barely tell they are in my ears. Klipsch IMAGE S4-WH In-Ear Enhanced Bass Noise-Isolating Headphone, White

Great phones for the price. I was hesitant to spend the money but I am sure glad I did. One word of caution, if you don't want to hear everything on your recordings don't buy these, get the cheap ones. These phones let you hear everything. Some reviewers have dinged the cord for being small but I find nothing wrong with it. These phones are for adults not kids. Would definitely buy again.

I recently purchased a pair of the Klipsch IMAGE S4s and have been using them for about two weeks now. And I must say I am very impressed by this product.

My previous set of earbuds were made by V-moda and, although I enjoyed them, I felt there was a bit to much bass for my liking. When the V-modas's bit the dust I based my purchase of the Klipsch on the fact that the stereo system in the office where I work has Klipsch speakers and I liked the clean open sound of them. I figured I'd take a chance that the earbuds had that same quality.

The IMAGE S4s seem to me to have a wider soundstage than the V-moda. What I'm hearing more clearly now is the rhythm guitar in some songs and the background instrumentation in others that I'd never heard before. The best part is that the Klipsch buds do not skimp on the bass response. It's there. It's noticeable. And it's clean. I enjoy anything from classical to country to jazz to classic rock and these buds do justice to them all.

My only problem is with the silicone tips. I can't really blame Klipsch because I've never come across a tip that was "really" comfortable. For me the large tips are too big, the small ones too small and the medium ones not real comfortable. I've ordered a set of the Comply Tx-100 tips in the hopes it may be the solution.

Great sound separation with excellent bass response. Great buds for the price!

I can't understand the people hating these headphones, especially over issues with sound. They have a great range with clear highs and good lows and the midtones are also very clean. Overall they will give you great sound reproduction. I have had one issue where the right earbud stopped functioning after 3-4 months, but being that I bought it from Amazon as a dealer was covered under the 2 year Klipsch warranty. So I highly recommend these earbuds, but make sure to buy under Amazon as that is the only dealer Klipsch authorizes for warranty purposes.

I love these Klipsch earphones. They're so comfortable that I get tired of listening to music before my ears get sore. They have great bass and smooth all around sound. I use them on the bus to and from work, and because the plugs block a lot of sound so you don't need to turn it way up to hear it.

I've used them with a Sansa Clip, Zune 8, and Samsung Captivate. I found that I have to keep the EQ on my Sansa Clip pretty flat or I can actually hear the sound clip/distort -- I don't hear this with lesser earphones. The Zune doesn't have an EQ. The EQ on PowerAMP (Android) doesn't clip and sounds great.

My previous earphones were Sennheiser 300 earbuds. I loved them, but the Klipsch sound much better.

I got the white ones because at the time they were $15 cheaper than the black ones.

Easy fit, comfortable wear, nice bass and highs, alittle lacking in mids but they are DURABLE, stay put when when working out and darn it im pissed i bought these for the wife and not myself. I have the ultimate ears super5 pros and have replaced 3 cables and one cracked earbud in 12 months time. I put them away and use these when there available. These little Klipsh badboys have stood up to all the everyday wear and tear, frequent travel and then some without a hickup. You can even wear these while napping or going to bed witout realizing there in your ears. Definelty recommend!!!

The earbuds themselves are fine - but after about 2 months of use, the cable is separating. Exposed copper. I use these like anyone would- shoving them in a pocket, getting tangled. The plastic on the cable is just way too flimsy. I feel like I wasted my money, because the cable is falling apart and won't even sustain stereo.

For this price and brand, I expected more.

Klipsch has been around for years, so you can expect a perfect product in this category. All ear-buds will endure issues if combined with exercise.

Frequencies are broad and cleanly heard through these.

I would guess the best buds on the market for the price.

Thank you Klipsch!

Pros - Great sound. proper bass, very comfortable even after extended use

Cons - the wire seems a bit weak (although I had no issue yet), somehow this ear-bud's wire get tangled more than anything I had before.

The above cons are minor in compare to the amazing sound quality!

I bought these for $69 (price seems to fluctuate on this product) and was skeptical if it would be worth the money. Cheaper headphones can be found for a fraction of the price. I was not happy with my cheap iPhone headphones, and the upgraded headphones from Apple were terrible. A friend of mine recommended these to me. Wow, these things sound great. Great bass, mids, and highs. You really get full sound out of these. I was worried about comfort also, since they stick in your ear pretty deep. Somehow they engineered these to actually be comfortable when wearing for an extended amount of time. - Headphones - Klipsch Image S4 - Klipsch - Earbuds
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