Monday 19 September 2011

Computer - tablet pc, tablet

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I ordered this product to see what android was like before I invested in a phone with the android OS. I was pleased when the product arrived in a timely manner and in good condition. I've heard that people were having issues connecting to the android market but I didn't have any problems at all. I downloaded a few apps already. I was able to connect to my home network and surf the web in less than 2 minutes. Android takes a bit of getting used to if you are like me and more familiar with an iphone. The only complaints I have are the RAM is a bit on the low side. A way to help that problem is downloading an app killer from the market to quit the apps that are running in the background. The more apps that are running in the background the slower the device becomes. Also, the touch screen isn't quite as good as I'd like but the device is all in all pretty good. 7 Touch Tablet Internet Media Player 2Gb Google Android Os - ROCKCHIP CPU

Having compared and read many online forums regarding the new slew of Android MIDs, I purchased both the Rockchip CPU unit here, and the VIA CPU unit from another seller.

The Rockchip runs circles around all the others out there! It can play up to 720P HD video and almost any file type. The unit even features full android market app link, to allow access to upwards of 50k android applications

its wifi works great and the new aluminum housing keeps it running cool compared to the VIA unit

For a no name brand Android device, this isn't bad at all!! The Rocketchip processor is speedy, the memory is a little on the slow side, especially when running multiple apps in the background, but all in all, it's a great product for doing mostly multimedia stuff. I connected to my wifi network in less than a minute, and I'm already downloading multiple apps from the Android Marketplace!

And the delivery was pretty speedy. I ordered this device on Sept 14, and it arrived 4 days later.

The only things I would change about this device are:

-Increase the memory. the more memory, the faster.

-G-sensor; it could stand to be a little faster when rotating the screen

-Android 1.5; It's not bad, but could be better, especially with 2.1 and higher that's out for mobile phones.

Other than that, the device is awesome!!

The product overall is good. The processor is faster than other Chinese junk out there, and it is really responsive. I tested the pdf reader and it is good, and also the browser is fast.

The problem, the touch panel screen (the glass screen on top of the touch screen) cracks under pressure from a normal big handed person. I also read over Internet that many others had the same issue. Just google it. So my screen cracked, small crack though, but it effectively rendered the device useless.

And if you want to get a replacement, forget it. I've spent 2 weeks looking for it, without success, and the seller doesn't want to sent me one, he wants me to send the whole unit to him for repair, and he is in China for God sake!! Lots of $$ to send and then to repair more $$. Not worth it, better put that money into a new "non-china" made device.

My advice, buy this item for your small skinny sister, wife, mom, girlfriend, etc. Then buy a good protective case. Otherwise your device is likely to screen-crack.

And be aware that by buying cheap Chinese products you'll probably get what you paid for.

It is a shame given that the device performs so decently well.

UPDATE: The device is even worse than I first though. A close friend at work bought one (I didn't know) and even though he has managed to keep his touch screen intact, he already returned it. The problem is that with all this tablet hype right now in the market, people (like me) are waiting for some cheaper alternative than the iPad, and the Chinese took advantage by introducing a cheap product which is not finished. The main problems my friend had were app hangs, reboots, app crashes out of a sudden and poor performance experience. This product is conceived to get the most money out of our expectations but it gives you a very low return of investment even to the point you will probably hate it.

Smart Tip: Don't be as dumb as I was, if you want a tablet experience, think it will cost you at least $250, nothing less. Buying this cheap crap will just encourage the Chinese to keep building this very low quality products. And I have nothing against the Chinese, I've seen a few great products from China, but this is NOT one of those.

I have purchased now 3 of these epodes from china (only one through this supplier & Amazon) and found them to be for the price an excellent choice. You can read email (both google and other pop3 types), browse the net for information, keep a calendar for schedules, listen to music and in a very limited capacity see videos both online through youtube and from storage (SD card). It's not perfect especially when the resistant screen acts up (takes time getting use to) or with the older Android OS being used sometimes with no Google Android market ability (there are other sources to cure your needs anyway) but its smaller form factor and price sold me. So if your in the market to get an inexpensive touch tablet, this is not too bad of an item. Just as an added note for those who criticize the device because its made in china, so is the Apple IPad and many more other great devices so what. For more reviews about products from me, follow me at (my little piece of the net). Happy shopping. - Tablet Pc - Tablet - Touch - Android
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