Click here for more information This is an update of a review I submitted 10 days ago. The most important thing you should realize is that this keyboard does not behave as a rigid keyboard does. That's both good news and bad news. The good news is that it's easy to fold and can easily fit into a standard Ziplock bag with lots of room to spare. It's ultra-portable. The bad news is that all this malleability comes at a price.
I find that when I type on the keyboard, I often make mistakes. Letters either repeat or don't appear at all. There is undoubtedly a learning curve to reduce typos, but what confounds me is that the keys are not equally calibrated as far as touch is concerned. A relatively light touch on let's say the "x" might yield multiple x's, whereas the same level of pressure on the "y" might not yield anything at all. The trick to using the keyboard is to keep your eye on the iPhone screen and make sure that your input is being entered as you intend.
While you may need to make corrections as you enter text, you will nevertheless find that text entry is much faster with this KB than with the iPhone's virtual keyboard. In contrast, my fingers fly on the Apple bluetooth KB, and there's no error correction needed. On the other hand, my dollars were flying faster, too (at $70 versus $30).
Pairing is easy, and if you're on a Mac or using an iPhone 4, you don't need the CD that ships with the KB.
In my earlier review I wrote, "I received the KB yesterday, just a few days after I ordered, and immediately fell in love with it....Today, while showing this amazing KB off to some friends, an entire row of keys (asdf) and the space bar stopped working."
I'm happy to say that the distributor was incredibly responsive to my problem. They paid for my return shipping and immediately sent me a replacement via Priority Mail.
Disappointingly, the new KB didn't leave as positive a first impression as its predecessor. The original KB did not exhibit the same level of key pressure unevenness. This leads me to believe that the keyboards are somewhat idiosyncratic. Quality varies from KB to KB.
In summary, this is a great peripheral to carry around with you for light typing. It's incredibly compact and lightweight. But, if you plan to sit in an airport for several hours and catch up on your email or do heavy some document editing in your favorite Microsoft Office substitute app, you would probably be better served by a rigid keyboard. Menotek Flexible Bluetooth Waterproof Mini Keyboard For Apple iPad and iPad 2 and Galaxy Tab and Motorola Xoom and iPhone 4/4G, Windows, Mac, Linux
I am writing this review using my Menotek keyboard, which is attached to my wifi Ipad via it's bluetooth capacity! It outdid my expectations to say the least! I don't even need wifi around to use my keyboard-- once I've linked the keyboard (go to settings, then bluetooth, then enter the # that pops up on the iPad screen. note: you have to do this each time you use the keyboard, but it doesn't take long) it can be used anywhere. meetings. conferences. seminars. I know. I used it during a week-long conference where the power points were extensive and moving fast. With this keyboard, I kept up with all the notes and then some! I should mention that I had JUST gotten the keyboard, yet was able to use it immediately without extra practice. It DOESN'T take much to get used to it. :) I simply rested iPad and keyboard on a book I'd brought along. :)
This keyboard is the first flexible one I have owned. the fact that it was said to work great with the Ipad (a true claim), has raised keys, is waterproof, bluetooth AND rechargeable helped me decide to buy it. But mainly I went by the reviews.... that is why I'm writing this one... so YOU don't have to worry/search as long as I did.
Here are some of my original questions answered:
- YES it works with wifi (even wifi only) iPads.
- BELIEVE the almost 5 star rating (other flexible keyboards are lucky to get three stars)
- YES, the keyboard REALLY is extremely flexible and DOES roll up pretty tiny. (DON'T keep it in a ziplock like I did...I don't think it is very good for it not to "breath"...besides, I've since had reason to need more protection for it than a simple baggie (on a plane flight I stuffed the keyboard into my carry-on and ended up forgetting its presence and damaging it later, fitting more stuff on top of it :( ... Shows I love this product, I guess, because, I forked out the dough for a new one ;). )
- YES, it has a number pad. It's enough for me -and I work in an office! (the #'s double up with the main keyboard. just turn on # lock)
- I LIKE the mini sized keyboard (the KEYS aren't really just doesn't have an additional number pad attached to the side.
- product shipped to me fairly fast from this company.
- the keyboard looks great with the ipad, and is size appropriate :)
- keyboard battery life lasts at LEAST all day with full use (I haven't tested longer than that before charging it)
- keyboard WORKS with my iphone 3Gs, after the iphone4 update. yay!
- I CAN rest my fingers on these keys since they are raised, WITHOUT it typing uncontrollably. a BIG plus!
note: you will need a lap desk, large book, or other to use the keyboard. not a problem for me.
Also, Apple bluetooth keyboard = $70. This bluetooth easy-travel keyboard? = $30! yeah. That's a no brainer. :) I'm a happy typer now! :D - Flexible Keyboard - Ipad - Keyboard - Iphone
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