Thursday, 3 February 2011

Apple Computer Accessories

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All of my reviews on Amazon are usually very enthusiastic for the product I'm writing it for, but the Apple magsafe adapter is horrible-- not only the old model but the new model (which may be worse). I am now on my THIRD new model in a matter of probably 7 months, and went through FOUR old models that became unwired at the actual magsafe part (oh yeah, and would spark and smoke). I do not abuse the wiring and my laptop stays mostly on my desk, except for the few times it moves to my bed or the couch; I rarely take it out of the home. The new one is supposed to be flush with the laptop to theoretically cause less bending, but instead it spins around and around until the wiring shorts out. Of course each time I noticed it coiled I would fix it and try to straighten out the wiring, but after a few months of this, the wiring just completely quits conducting electricity.

It's absolutely ridiculous that I have to spend close to a $100 dollars every couple of months! I really could NOT care less how "thin" and "stylish" it is-- I want it to work AND for a respectable amount of time. This time I used duct tape around the magsafe part up to a few inches to prevent the wire bending. Hopefully this helps and actually makes this POS have a life span of more than three months.

In summary, I love Apple, I have all their products, including the iPad, but their wiring (including the usb connections) really need new engineering. Apple MagSafe 60W Power Adapter for MacBook MC461LL/A with AC Extension Wall Cord (Retail Packaging)

I bought this as a replacement for the original adapter for my 13" Macbook, which shorted out after 13 months of regular use (primarily in house). This design is suppose to be an improvement on the original design (the cord originally connected perpendicular to the Macbook instead of flush to the body) and mimics the design of the power adapter that's been used for the Macbook Air since its inception. This cord shorted at the mag tip after 39 days! Do not wrap the cord around the included hooks, but instead coil it loose and secure it with Velcro. Apparently, wrapping the cord on the "designed for storage hooks" is no longer possible with the new power adapters even though I have adapters from my much older 12" Powerbook (2000) that are still working fine and are stored in this manner regularly. This is starting to make me reconsider ever buying another Mac laptop. Having to pay $79 for replacement power adapter twice in less than 18 months is getting to be an expensive owner's tax for having a Mac.

Apple has a serious design flaw. This Apple adapter with the L plug does not work properly with my Macbook 13.3". It does not charge by just plugging it into the computer. The green light does not come on. In order to charge the computer, one has to remove the battery and put it back in. Then the green light comes on. This means that one has to shut off the computer to charge it. Big pain if you're working and the battery runs low and you want to plug it in. So, I returned it to Amazon and purchased an independent company charger with the "old" plug. It works just fine. Instead of $80 for the genuine Apple, the independent cost $20. Goodbye Apple

The connection usually is not made to start the charge cycle until the connector is wiggled around for a few seconds, then the light comes on indicating charging has started. Sometimes, maybe 1 out of 15 or 20 times it makes contact the first time.

I have 3 apple laptops in my house and 3 of these chargers. Two of them work fine and we have been using for close to two years. I just had to order a 3rd replacement for the final laptop, which is only 2 1/2 years old. That's over $200 I have had to spend already on a very unreliable part. Not to mention the fact that Apple KNOWS that many people are having to replace the power cord on their laptops every few months, and they have done nothing to fix the problem. In addition, they have the nerve to charge $79 for a power cord!!!! A power cord should not cost more than $20 - 25.

I love Apple products, but this is just wrong. I cannot believe that the brilliant engineers who work at Apple cannot come up with a better power cord. Very disappointing!

I have to say I love all Apple Products but this adapter is no good. I just bought my third one in less than one year. I think they need to use a heavier wire from the adapter to the piece that plugs into the Macbook.

One MacBook, three years, two hard drives replaced, two power supplies replaced (both with the same well-known failure at the magnetic head). Gentle home use. It seems Apple has taken the same path as many manufacturers: sale of inferior products. Great design only goes so far. I have used Apple products since the early 80's. No more. Bitten by one too many wormy Apples.

Honestly, I really like the new sleek design of the 85Watt power adaptor. Some people have mentioned that it could cause problems by blocking the ethernet cable port, however, you also have to think about the problems that were fixed in this version. I have have gone through 2 60Watt power adapters already due to a certain problem I had been having. Many people do not realize that there is considerable wire strain from the 60Watt model because the wire would often turn either to the right or left if you weren't careful on your position. Whereas this model has the wire coming from the side to prevent this strain and this is incredibly important, just google "magsafe burn" and you'll see what I mean.

Here a some really important recommendations to consider provided by Apple:

Reduce Cable Strain-

support [dot] apple [dot] com/kb/HT1630

Remove magsafe properly-

support [dot] apple [dot] com/kb/HT1453?viewlocale=en_US


1-Fixes the cable strain problem

2-Upgrade to the 85Watt from 60Watt version, many people argue this is much better because it can charge the battery faster


1-Blocks the ethernet port
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