Click here for more information This was by far the easiest of many computer migrations I've done, partly due to improvements in the Windows Easy Transfer software and partly due to the cable. Be sure to install all your software on the new computer before doing the transfer so your software settings can be transferred. That's especially handy for Outlook. One item that doesn't move: fonts. If you've acquired additional fonts beyond the ones that come with Windows, you'll have to move those separately, so be sure to get them before you recycle the old computer. Belkin Easy Transfer Cable for Windows 7
The product worked as advertised, simple and quick. Unfortunately some programs on the new computer disappeared during the process including Internet Explorer. They were nowhere to be found on the new computer after the transfer. Luckily I had set a System Restore Point just before beginning the process so I reset the Restore Point and all missing programs magically reappeared and all the data from the old computer was there also.
I've gone through many other upgrades, before, but this was the easiest.
This cable copied over from my old computer running under Windows XP, all of my folders, documents, spread sheets, music, and pictures, to my new computer running Windows 7.
It also brought over my old PC's settings and shortcuts. The thing that most pleasantly
suprised me is that it pulled in my entire Outlook, totally intact, with all folders and settings, including the POP settings with complete immediate connectivity to the YAHOO mail server!!!
The only problem I encountered, was that it took a few times for the 2 PCs to get connected to each other, but once it got going, it worked well beyond all of my expectations.
When I ordered my new laptop on line, I was concerned about how I was going to transfer all my data from my old laptop. Someone mentioned a good way was to use the Belkin Easy Transfer Cables so I started shopping around for them. The best store price I could find was $49.95. I decided to try on line and found them at Amazon for a lot less. I ordered them and got them within a few days. The program outlined exactly how to set it all up and it worked very well. Everything transferred automatically and it was EASY!
Used this to transfer files from an XP desktop and an XP laptop to their new W7 counterparts. The desktop worked without a glitch. The laptop transfer got stuck the first time at the "trying to connect" screen. I went back, unplugged and replugged the cable, and it worked. All files and preferences transferred in both cases and, as far as I could tell by checking basic properties and a few individual files, intact. Some Firefox bookmarks did not transfer for some reason, but no biggie. (That said, I am keeping the old laptop and desktop for a while until I feel confident all the crucial stuff on the new PCs is accessible.)
Overall, this gizmo makes a long and potentially painful operation very straightforward, for a total of 20 bucks. Definitely worth it, especially if you plan to migrate several computers (I have 2 more to go).
Belkin Easy Transfer Cable for Windows 7 I have used both the Ethernet transfer and the Belkin Easy Transfer cable in moving from Windows XP to Windows 7 on a new machine. Both functioned well, but I feel that the Belkin Cable was superior because it did not have to spend time encrypting and decrypting as it does over the ethernet. Good solid product that I will keep handy for shifting other data.
I needed to transfer all our files from an old XP computer to Vista. Bought a $32 Belkin Vista transfer cable at an electronics store nearby. Saw this and realized I could save money. Realized it was for Windows 7 when it arrived, but it works just the same as long as you use the old Vista transfer program on both computers and not the new version that comes with the cable.
Used this to transfer files (not programs) and settings, emails, itunes, etc from an old xp computer to a new Win 7 computer. Worked exactly as advertised. Everything transferred over (including settings, desktop, old outlook emails and itunes songs) exactly as advertised. Just remember you still have to install the programs themselves.
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