Click here for more information My child slipped in our fiberglass tub/shower enclosure and put a crack in the side of the tub portion. She was fine thankfully, but the size of the crack made her more upset than the fall itself! It was quite large and also uneven. I looked at professional repair - was too expensive and seemed silly for a tub over 15 yrs old. I would sure love a whole new enclosure, but just don't have the money right now.
I started looking at many DIY products and finally picked this one as it seemed the simplest to use. And, it was! The patching material was easy to apply (goes on similar to spackling paste) and filled the crack well despite the size and uneven edges. The repaired area does show, as my Lasco tub is more 'off-white' than true white or almond, so the colors the kit comes with didn't match exactly. That likely won't be an asset should I ever want to sell my home, but the tub is usable and that was the important part. Product cleans up easily and requires very little effort to use. I would definitely recommend this for anyone who needs to repair a tub or shower quickly and economically. Would've given five stars except for the color matching issue. Elmer's E786 Tub & Shower Repair Kit
Bought this product to repair some fine cracks in the floor of a 25 year old tub/shower insert. The crack was about 8-10" long, the thickness of a strand of hair, and could be felt with your finger.
CONS - Throw away the ultra thin gloves that come with the product. They are ill fitting and the resin putty sticks to them to the point that it can't be worked. I used bare hands and the cleanup was easy.
PROS - I needed an almond color match and combining one stick of brown and one of white was a close match. Keep in mind that tubs, like cars, change color over time so a perfect match just isn't going to happen. I was pleased. The dough kneads easily and you have about 20 minutes to work with it. I first roughed up the floor of the tub with a belt sander in order to give the putty something to bite into. Found that applying the putty was easier if I kept my hands and the spreader moist. The spreader was most effective when used to press the putty flat, not drawn across it. Get it as smooth as possible because it sets up very hard. Waited 24 hours, altho the instructions don't require that much time before finish sanding. Seems to be very strong and I would buy it again.
I just applied this to the vertical end of my bone colored Lasco fiberglass tub. I had a horizontal split/crack about 2 inches long. I sanded the crack then mix some almond and white together and applied it to the crack but it was too dark so i scraped it off and started over. I mixed the white epoxy by itself (looks bright white but after mixing...the hardener turns it a perfect bone color match). Unless you knew where the patch job would be very difficult to detect. It looks awesome. Make sure you take your time mixing colors for a close match and you will be happy. Only took me about 30 minutes to apply and clean up. It's drying now so I don't know how well it will seal or how durable it will be so I'm going to give it 4 out of 5 stars. I would highly recommend.
I had a hole about the size of a nickel in my one piece shower.tub. If you've used Mighty putty, then this will seem very familier to you. There are three viles of putty, each a different color. You select the one that best matches your tub or mix them together to attain the desired color. You activate it by kneading the putty. You know you've activate it when it begins to smell god awful. At that point you apply it to the prepared area where the hole is located. You dont have a lot of time to work with the putty, it will harden pretty fast. Depending on how good you are at molding it you'll find this a good product or a great product. Its nearly imposable to color match it perfectly but its durability hasn't disappointed after a couple of months in place. For the price, its a great solution.
I am so glad I found this product. I have a fiberglass shower stall in our basement bathroom that we have never used since we use the master bath closest to the bedrooms. I have only cleaned it once in the 10 yrs we have lived here since it was never used and never dirty I only did a quick wipe with a bit of windex and a paper towel.I never noticed all the cracks that were "repaired" by the former homeowner. The home inspector also never made note of all the "repairs". The so-called repairs were made using some type of paper product and a bit of matching paint to cover.
I recently updated the whole bathroom and didn't want the cost of replacing a shower we never use so I asked my (alleged) plumber to repair the cracks I had noticed. No problem, he said. After I had to get another plumber to repair the toilet he installed, the sink he installed and repair my newly laid floor from his incompetence, I decided to check the shower repair work. Alleged Plumber's solution was to paint a clear sticky substance over the old repairs. He did not sweep any of my drywall dust out of the shower prior and applied his solution over drywall dust. So, I had to clear all this away before using the Elmers. Rubbing alcohol removed all the former repairs easily.
I then read all the reviews available here on the Elmer's as the directions seemed just too easy. It was easy. Super easy. I did not get a perfect color match because I have an off-white unit. I think if a tube of yellow was included my match would have been absolutely perfect.
My tips: Apply less than you think you need. In a way this does work like spackle BUT it does not sand away easily like spackle. Like the other reviewer states- throw away the gloves and use your wet fingers to apply. I kept a cup of water handy to keep wetting my fingers. It is the same concept as flouring your work surface before the dough is rolled. In this case water is the key.
I did apply too much of the product and it is not sanded easily with the sandpaper provided. I used my power sander and got better result.
This stuff stinks worse than a port-o-let so eat lunch before you use it. In my case, you CAN see my repairs but only if you stick your head in the shower stall. But in my case I had at least 20 long cracks and one large hole the size of a golf ball to repair. To repair the hole I did the repair in 2 stages waiting for stage 1 to set up- then in stage two I worked off of the cured putty to finish the hole. This tells you how much of the product you receive. I would absolutely buy this again. - Tub - Shower - Repair - Sink
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