Click here for more information WHICH ONE IS BETTER? READ AND FIND OUT. I bought both the Escort 9500ix and Beltronics GX65 for a week long, on dash, real world comparison. They both are sold by the same company and they offer a 30 day, money back guarantee. I figured, what the heck.....I'll try them out, side by side. These units were both mounted at the same level on the window of my truck.
I read all the reviews I could get my hands on and narrowed it down to these two radar detectors. The Escort 9500ix and Beltronics GX65 models are touted as the most sensitive window mounted units available with the new "GPS" advantage.
DISPLAY- Both units have the option of dim, medium, bright, dark and auto mode. The Escort 9500ix has blue lights. The background of this unit is black, but glows blue around the numbers, to a point of skewing the display a little bit. At night, it is easier to read. The Beltronics GX65 has red lights with a pure black background. The GX65 display is crystal clear, day or night. Advantage Beltronics GX65. Importance - Moderate.
POWER CORD- While sitting behind the wheel, the Escort 9500ix cord plugs in on the left hand side of the detector unit. The Beltronics GX65 cord plugs in on the right hand side. Depending upon the set up of your vehicle, SPECIFICALLY THE LOCATION OF YOUR POWER SUPPLY, this could make a big difference. Both of the detectors have a dark display mode, where the display goes completely black (for night use, so other drivers can't see your detector). While using dark mode, the only thing that lights up is the very end of the power cord, where it plugs into the power supply. The unit still makes sound, but only you will be able to see the light at the power supply. Very ingenious idea! Advantage to neither. It depends upon the location of you power supply. Importance - Moderate
SIZE and BUTTONS - Both units of virtually the same size, however, I personally prefer the shape and button layout of the Beltronics GX65. Importance - Low
WINDOW MOUNT - Both the 9500ix and GX65 use the same exact window mounts. For an expensive $500 dollar radar detector, I feel that the mounts are very cheesy. My old mount on my $79 Whistler was superior to this window mount. Both of these units tap the window when driving. This is due to the design of the mount. The mother company needs to improve this window mount in my opinion. Importance - Moderate
GPS "LOCKOUT" CAPABILITY - Both units have the ability to "Lockout" any false signal. When you know the detector is sensing a false signal, all you need to do is tap a button three times and it will permanently lock out the false signal. This is an absolutely fantastic feature. Both detectors also have the ability to warn you of red light cameras, photo cameras and speed traps. This is also a nice advancement. You can manually set the detector to warn you of any known speed trap in your area. Nice feature! The only GPS negative is when you're driving down the interstate and you drive over an intersection with a red light camera. The detector will sound, even though your not going through the light. This is the only negative I've found regarding the GPS system. Importance - VERY HIGH
AUTO LEARN - This feature is only on the 9500ix. You drive a false signal 3 times and the 9500ix will automatically lock out the signal permanently. For any proactive person (most people who purchase a radar detector!), this feature is not that important. The moment I drive by any false signal, I lock it out immediately. Why would I wait to drive by it 3 times? It only takes three taps of a button. On the other hand, for someone who is electronically challenged, this feature might be a lifesaver. With this feature, theoretically, after a few weeks of driving, you should be able to drive around your home area, never touch your detector and all false signals will be locked out. Therefore, no more false alarms, Police warnings only! Advantage: Escort 9500ix. Importance - Moderate
SENSITIVITY - This area is the most important of all. The reviews and tests I've read online, showed the 9500ix as being slightly more sensitive to Ka, K band and laser. It's only a few hundred feet, but that could be the difference between a speeding ticket or not.
These results are not scientific, but in every situation I encountered, the 9500ix picked up true police radar a second to a few seconds quicker the the GX65. This is really the main reason I decided to keep the Escort Passport 9500ix. In my opinion (and the scientific results back it up), the sensitivity of the 9500ix is superior to the GX65. Advantage: Escort Passport 9500ix. Importance - CRUCIAL.
THE WINNER, and better detector where it matters most is.................. the ESCORT PASSPORT 9500ix. I shipped the Beltronics GX65 back for a full refund. Escort Passport 9500ix Radar/Laser Detector (Black) - 9500ix - Passport - Escort Passport Radar - Escort Passport Radar Detector
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